43rd Annual Dusty Larson Memorial Golf Tournament
Attention All Golfers!
Our 43rd Annual Dusty Larson Memorial Golf Tournament will be played on Monday, June 23, 2025 at Young ‘s Golf-Recreation–Dining. Golfers may sign up as an individual or as a 4-person team. Early registration will be helpful to the committee as they plan this year’s event.
Attention All Non-Golfers!
You are invited to participate in the Dusty Larson Memorial Golf Tournament as a Hole Sponsor. For a donation of $25 or more, hole sponsors may write a message for their sign, which will be displayed on the golf course for all to see!
Thank you for your support!
Proceeds from the tournament will be equally divided between Town & Country Ministries of the Evangelical Covenant Church and Covenant Point Bible Camp in Iron River.
-The Tournament Committee