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Online News Reading
Online Giving

The online giving service we use is the Evangelical Covenant Church Donation Portal.  This portal was developed as an easy way for church members to donate to their specific Covenant Church.  This giving system currently accepts Visa, Master Card, Discover and eCheck.  This portal is safe and secure for one-time and/or recurring tithes and offerings to our church.

Give By Mail

You can send in your tithes and offerings in the mail.  Our mailing address is 316 Jasper St, Iron River, MI 49935.  If a check is designating for a specific fund, please write it on the memo line.  Be sure to include your name and address if you are including cash, so that donation credit may be provided for tax purposes

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Grace Covenant Church,  316 Jasper Street, Iron River,  MI 49935  |  |  Tel: 906.265.9951

Office HoursFebraury 23- March 1 :  Monday- Wednesday, 8:30 am - 12:00 pm 

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