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​​​​​​​​Office Manager Hours- Monday-Wednesday-8:30 am-12:00 pm.( February 23- March 1)​


Visual Worship– What can we learn from winter? Winter teaches us the value of patience and the need for self care. Shorter winter days mean longer and earlier periods of darkness and this lack of sunlight can cause sadness or depression in some people. Getting more involved in winter activities is recommended! The cold weather brings people together, as we yearn for warmth, love and connections!


Maintenance Help Needed- GCC is in need of people to help out with projects around the church.  Please contact the church office if you are able to help or reach out or call Mike Rummelhoff at 773-213-4455.


Women’s Friday Morning Bible Study- All are welcome! Join us on Friday mornings at 10:00 am in the conference room at GCC. We  just started a new study entitled “ Grace” More Than We Imagine; by Max Lucado.


Men’s Retreat- We are excited to announce that the special speaker for this year's retreat will be Nathan Clayton, Associate Professor of Old Testament at North Park Theological Seminary in Chicago, IL. Come for the day or stay the whole weekend, the retreat will be February 21-23. Register by February 7 to get the early bird discount. You can get more information about the retreat or register online at


Men’s Prayer- Saturday mornings at 7:30 am men will meet up at church to pray together. If you have not been there for a Saturday morning prayer time or if it has been a while, what a better time than a NEW YEAR to come join other men in the union of prayer!  Will not meet 2/22.


Boundaries Bible Study- Tuesdays we will be having a study on setting appropriate boundaries for our relationships. Determining boundaries is a difficult task for Christians, whether new or long committed, and for people who have lived with abuse or live in codependency. When to say yes, how to say no and how to take control of one's life is the objective of this Biblically based class. Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend, the authors of the Boundaries book are experienced Christian Psychologists. Using the book, and accompanying workbook, we will be receiving Biblical instruction on establishing and maintaining proper boundaries in four areas: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. The purpose is to achieve healthy relationships through establishing God-inspired appropriate boundaries, those that God intends for us to have in our relationships…with those we love, work with and interact with in daily life. We will be meeting in the Church lower level on Tuesday each week from 6:30 pm- 8:00 pm. Anyone interested in joining us is sincerely invited. Please let me or the office know if you would like to participate. Let's make this winter a growth winter to improve our relationships with those we love.


Gathering In Grace– Meets Wednesday. Dinner begins at 5:00 pm with studies and activities to follow at 5:45 pm.


Three Threads- Meets Saturday, February 8  at 11:00 am.


Family Fun Day– Join us for a fun filled afternoon NEXT SUNDAY, March 2 in

Crandon, WI at the Potawatomi Community Center.  We will be leaving after church and meet there.  There are plenty of activities for all ages. Everyone is welcome to come. The price is $7 per person. Sandwiches will be provided by Christian Formation. Feel free to bring a snack to share. Scholarship are available. For more information please contact Linnea Johnson at 906-284-0020.


Ash Wednesday Service– Please join us as we partner together for the Ash

Wednesday Service with The First Lutheran Church. This service will be held on March 5 at 6:00 pm at the First Lutheran Church. We will still be having GIG dinner at GCC, and then go there for the service.



Widows & Widowers- Meets February 9 at 11:30 am.


Men’s Monday Night- All men are invited to come for a time of sharing, support and dinner on February 10th at 6:00 pm.


Pasty Sale– First Lutheran Church is selling pasties for $7 each.  There are green order forms in the foyers. Orders must be submitted to First Lutheran Church by March 9. The orders will be ready for pick up on March 15 between  9:30 am– 12:00 pm.


Men’s Monday Night– Men meet up for dinner and fellowship on March 10 at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall.


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​MBTC Spaghetti Dinner- You are invited to the “Annual Family Supper Night” on March 15. This is all you can eat spaghetti dinner, complete with salad, Italian bread, desserts,  and beverages. Doors open at 3:00 pm for praise and worship. Dinner will be served between 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm. For tickets or more information please call 906-265-6247. $ 5.00 Donation is requested. Take- outs will also be available and you may make your donation at the door. There will also be plenty of door prizes!


GCC Council Meeting- Meets March 20 at 6:00 pm.


Friendship Club– Meets March 22 at 6:30 pm.


Crock-Pot Lunch Fundraiser– The Mission & Social Action Committee will be hosting another Soup/Crock-pot Lunch fundraiser on March 23 following the worship service. There will also be a Bake Sale!! So come get your goodies! If you would like to bring something or help set up or clean up please contact Karla Menucci at 906-458-5546. Funds raised go toward future mission trips.


Christian Women Silent Auction—On March 29, First Baptist Church will host a silent auction in partnership with the ecumenical Christian women's group.  The purpose is to raise funds to support the relief effort in Los Angeles from the devastating fires.  If you have an item to donate to the auction, you may bring it to the GCC church office.  For more information see Theresa Spitza or Sue Weyher.


Feeding America Food Distribution- The next  food distribution will be March 27 at 1:00 pm.


Maundy Thursday Service– Join us in remembering Christ and his love for all on April 17 at 6:00 pm located at GCC. May you sense the love of Christ this season as may we love as Christ has loved.


Good Friday Service– As part of our Holy week observance we invite you to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus, the ultimate sacrifice of love for ALL. The Good Friday service will be held on April 18 at 6:00pm  located at First Lutheran Church.


Easter Breakfast– Come and celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Breakfast begins at 9:00 am on April 20.


Summer Camps- Summer camps at Covenant Point Bible Camp have been open for registration. These camps book up fast, if you have not registered your child please yet for camp please do so. You can register online at If you would like a scholarship please contact the church office.


Immigration Immersion- Pastor Mike and Shelly plan to participate in the Immigration Immersion with the department of Love Mercy Do Justice branch of the Evangelical Covenant Church this

June 6-9.  This trip...

  • Compels us to biblically ground the conversation around immigration.

  • Allows us to go beyond what we hear and see in the news, to experience firsthand what is happening at the southern border.

  • Humanizes the immigration debate, moving us from political polarities to theological discernment concerning scripture's consistent commission to welcome the stranger.

  • Equips us to creatively function as everyday peacemakers within our local context, and empowers us to begin seeing conflict as an opportunity for transformation.

If you would like to see firsthand what is going on at the border and to go beyond the fear based talking heads of media, talk with Pastor Mike soon as the trip is limited to 18 people. The cost of the trip is $600 per person plus airfare to and from San Diego. You must have a valid passport to participate.


Live Stream- GCC is now live streaming the Sunday services on YouTube! We have been livestreaming on Facebook, but if you do not have a Facebook account or would prefer to use YouTube, you can search Grace Covenant Church, Iron River, MI then click Subscribe to the church’s page.


Christian Radio- WRVM Christian Radio is available 24/7 in Iron River and surrounding areas at 95.3 or 90.7.  There is also a free WRVM app to download to your phone so you can listen when you're out of radio range.  If you want some uplifting Christian music and teaching, it's a great source!!!


Delivering Meals- Please contact Kathy Campain if you can help bring meals to homebound members and friends of GCC. 


Transportation- There are several members of our church that need rides getting to the store, doctor appointment, or other places. If you would like to help out in this area, please contact Kathy Campian or the church office to be added to the list of available drivers.

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Grace Covenant Church,  316 Jasper Street, Iron River,  MI 49935  |  |  Tel: 906.265.9951

Office HoursFebraury 23- March 1 :  Monday- Wednesday, 8:30 am - 12:00 pm 

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